jeudi 13 décembre 2012

Wikis for Dummies

Wikis for
Wikis for Dummies
Dan Woods (Auteur), Peter Thoeny (Auteur)

Acheter neuf : EUR 20,19 (as of 12/13/2012 15:19 PST)
24 neuf & d'occasion a partir de EUR 1,68 (as of 12/13/2012 15:19 PST)

(Consultez la liste Cadeaux les plus offerts dans la rubrique Intranets & Extranets pour des informations officielles sur le classement actuel de ce produit.)

Description du produit

* Corporations have finally realized the value of collaboration tools for knowledge sharing and Wiki is the open source technology for creating collaborative Web sites, as either a public site on the Internet or on a private intranet site
* Shows readers how to set up Wikis in a corporate setting or on a personal site so that users can retrieve information, post information, and edit the content
* Covers everything from choosing a Wiki engine to administration and maintenance
* Discusses the advantages of using Wiki in a corporate environment, which companies such as Microsoft, Boeing, Disney, and Motorola have already discovered

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